We are beginning a new year of reaching out to our Embrace children; to do what we can to help them improve in their nutrition and general health. January and February are special months that we focus in on their health. We got urine and stool samples from all of the children at the January meetings. We send these out to a lab and we have always been able to detect some health issues amongst the children due to the lab’s findings. We cannot provide assistance to correct something that we are unaware of. In February each child will be given a medical checkup by a Guatemalan doctor and the lab results will help them to assess each child’s needs. We weighed and evaluated the nutritional level of each child this month.
The families that received a baby pig from their sponsor for Christmas received those on January 8. We will monitor the families to see how they do on raising their pigs. The other big item for us is the price change in sponsorship that began in January 2024. We began to notify sponsors 6 months out but we know that not all of our sponsors are reading the monthly updates; which then makes it difficult for us to get information to them. We have a challenge ahead of us; to get everyone on track and moving forward. Some people are still using old prices and that will mean incomplete payments that will eventually have them fall behind to the point that the child does not receive. Please help us to spread the word; if you know other Embrace sponsors…just ask them if they are aware of the change! We don’t want the children to miss out on their benefits and communicating through our monthly updates, that are both on the Embrace webpage plus sent to sponsors via email, is our way to convey information. Thank you for ALL that you do to make a Guatemalan child’s life better!