September hosted our quarterly birthday party for the 58 Embrace children who have their birthdays in the months of July, August and September. The birthday kids come up front and we sing Happy Birthday to them, pray over them, give them a toy and also a coupon from their sponsor to use at the clinic’s store. The devotional was taken from Psalms 94:19 and the health talk was about oral hygiene. Every child received a new toothbrush. It was our last month to include 15 lbs. of corn in the food bags and we finished doing the annual family interviews to update each child’s file. The letter for Christmas Blessing 2024 went out at the beginning of the month and we are beginning to receive sponsors’ orders to bless their sponsored children with a special Christmas blessing this year. We pray that we will be able to cover every child with a food bag for December; including the over 30 children that we currently have without a sponsor plus give them some kind of Christmas gift as well. We have some awesome sponsors that are always willing to go the second mile to make sure that no one is left behind