August is the month for a couple of extra details that we take into account for our Embrace children. We began to do our annual family interviews; updating any data that has changed so that we can properly inform the sponsors. It will take 3 months to complete this process with all of our families; finishing in October. We also parasite treated all of the children. This treatment is to be done every 6 months and we do it in February and August. We continually talk about proper hygiene, food preparation and only drinking filtered water but the parasite treatments are still necessary to keep the children in a healthy state. There was a health talk about parents being conscientious about their children’s health and a devotional was done about “everything being possible for God”. The “protein package” that many sponsors provide for their child was a 5 lb. chicken this month; a real treat for the family! We interviewed the families to see how their backyard gardens are doing that they were given in May. Most reported that they are harvesting and eating cilantro, onions, radishes, lettuce and cucumbers so far and that other veggies and getting ready to use. This was the second month to include 20 lbs. of corn in the food bags; something we do this time of the year since last year’s harvest has been depleted and the new harvest has not come in yet. The people have to buy their food staples and elevated pricing and limited resources makes that very difficult. It has been a difficult year for the people due to the rainy season starting about a month and a half late. We are thankful for the rain that we have received, although less than adequate; and pray that the people have a decent harvest this year. We have over 30 children on our waiting list right now, children who are in need of a sponsor. We have found many more children who are in need of assistance and really cannot register anymore into the program until we find sponsors for the recently registered children that we have. Please pray for hearts to be touched for people to begin sponsorship with these precious little ones. Together, we can impact their lives and offer them a better future!