We covered a number of things for our Embrace children in April. We weighed each child and did their nutritional evaluation; something that we do 4 times a year. Abner did a talk about hygienic conditions in their homes and every family received a toilet brush to help keep their latrines properly clean; along with bleach and detergent that they receive every month. We handed out 100# of fertilizer to 227 families; those that plant crops as a way to support their families. The fertilizer will help the families to receiving a better harvest. They are awaiting the rainy season to start to be able to plant their corn. Letters were sent out to all of our sponsors to share about our MYB (Middle of the Year Blessing). This is something that we do each year that allows sponsors to provide a new pair of shoes for their sponsored child(ren); as well as assisting with the children who don’t have a sponsor or whose sponsor may not participate. We are hoping for a very successful result once again this year so that we can be assured that every child will receive some new shoes. I am in the US to do my southern fundraising trip and will be looking for new sponsors to cover the children that are in need of one. Together, we are truly making a difference in the children’s lives!