March was our month to recognize the children who have their birthday in the months of January, February and March. For most, it will be the only recognition of this milestone in their lives. We sing to them, give each a small toy, pray over them, give a coupon to those who have an active sponsor and then share cake and a beverage with all that are present. We recognized 50 children for this quarterly birthday celebration.
The families are so happy to be receiving funds for their transportation; a change that was made this year to be included in the general sponsorship of a child. For those who have been to Guatemala; you recognize how much of an assistance this is to help with their transportation needs to attend the monthly meetings. There has also been an increase of the finances that we have available for the food bags which allow a greater supply of food staples. The protein package, that remains an “extra” has also increased in what is given, as is reflected by the increased price. This month’s protein was beef; including 3 lbs. of bones to make a really good soup plus 2 lbs. of meat to add, instead of the 1 lb. that was given previously.
The “health talk” this month was on personal hygiene and the devotional taken from Joshua 1:9. If you have never been present at an Embrace meeting; we want you to know just how much you are impacting your sponsored children and their families. We are dealing with the improvement of health but also so many other areas that have even longer lasting impact on the Embrace families! Thank you for what you do to make their lives better!