February is our primary “health month”. Every Embrace child received a medical check-up at their monthly meeting plus the bi-annual parasite treatment and any other medicine that the doctors prescribed. Lab work was done in January and the doctors had the results of those reports to more accurately address the actual issues that each child had. We had a team here and so lots of extra hands assisted to cover all the areas that we are involved in for our monthly meetings. We handed out baby chicks for the families that have come into the program over the past year. We do this as an “extra project” with additional fundraising to give the families the opportunities to raise some chickens and to have eggs in the future…a good protein source for the families. They are supposed to receive a dozen chicks that are 3 weeks old plus 50 lbs. of starter feed. Some of the families did not arrive and so those that were here received a few “extras”! Most of our families are quite successful in raising chickens and having additional generations of chicks to provide not only eggs but the occasional chicken dinner too!