We are hoping for the rainy season to kick in very soon; we have been getting a few “rains” but not consistent ones yet.  We have done an annual project for the last 6 years, called “Garden in a Bag” and distribution took place at our May meetings.  A training session was given in April to help families know how to prepare areas to plant.  8 classes of seed were distributed in May; giving the families onions, cilantro, chard, radishes, cucumbers, egg plants, squash and beets; to provide good wholesome food sources for their families.  We enjoy doing projects that require the families’ involvement and education to bring on-going lasting assistance to their families.   Most of the cost of this year’s project was covered by funding from our Family Funding Fund.

Our Middle of the Year Blessing (MYB) was offered to our sponsors; to allow them to respond in providing a pair of new shoes for their sponsored child(ren).  Many go the extra mile in sending extra funds; that helps us cover children who do not yet have a sponsor or whose sponsor did not participate in this.  The children will be sized for shoes at the June meetings and the family can choose the “type” of shoe that they want for their child (school, boot, tennis shoe or sandals).  The shoes will be distributed in July. We are finishing up 11 latrines that we had funding to cover for the families that had no latrine for their family’s use.  The code numbers are as follows to inform the sponsors if your child was included in this extra project: LCH062, LO077,  AM081, TS131, LCH194, MT047, A038, A048, M078, TI116 and LP132.  The health topic of the month was “Hygienic Habits” and the devotional was from 2 Corinthian 12:9.    Because of you, our sponsors; these children are being given a better life to grow and thrive!

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