June was a busy month. We celebrated our quarterly birthdays; recognizing the 65 children who have their birthdays in the months of April, May and June. All the children received a small toy and those who have a sponsor received a coupon to use at the clinic’s store to pick out something. Cake and a drink were enjoyed by everyone. Our newly registered 30 children attended the monthly meetings in June. The “talk” was about the Rights of Children; mentioning things like housing, food, love, to be protected, education, time to play etc. The devotional was from Psalms 4:8 talking about the peace of God. We measured the children’s feet to size them for shoes and each family chose the type of shoe that they wanted; tennis shoes, school shoes or sandals for girls and tennis shoes, school shoes and boots (low or high) for boys. The shoes are ordered and will be ready to hand out at our July meetings. We are thrilled that enough funding came in to even cover our newly registered 30 children too! We are completing the 11 latrine projects that we were doing; this covers all of the families that did not have their own latrine or the use of a family member’s living on the same plot. This excludes the 30 new children that we have recently registered and those will be considered for future projects as funding is made possible.