August’s meeting went smoothly. It was nice to get feedback from the families on how their gardens are doing and the extra source of vegetables that it is providing for their families. The rains have calmed but we seem to be getting enough and hope that it will provide a decent harvest for the people. August is the biannual month where we give anti-parasite treatments to every child; in the form of a chewable pill. Keeping the children parasite free is crucial to allowing them to receive the full benefit of the food that we provide…and the children just feel a lot better! Abner’s health talk was on “The Importance of our Health” and a devotional done from James 5:7-13. We began our “Annual Family Interviews” in August. Over the next few months, we meet with each family to go over their family information and make any changes or updates to the data that we have on file. We want to make sure we have proper contact info, be aware of a new baby born during the year, a change of living conditions etc. We want to be able to send our sponsors accurate information about their sponsored family and so review with each family what may have changed. Our Christmas Blessing letter has been prepared and will go out to sponsors in early September. We hope you will enjoy all of the “new items” that we have included this year for you to choose; to bless your sponsor child with for Christmas!
NOTE: Please make sure that you read the special message that is being sent in regards to the change in sponsorship fees, that goes into effect as of January 2024.
Thank you for all that you do. You are changing children’s lives!